Keywords: castle tourism, cultural heritage, cultural tourism, tourism in Ternopil region, castle tourism in Ternopil region


The article presents research results on the prospects for the development of castle tourism in the Ternopil region. In today's world, where globalization and rapid technological development significantly change our way of life, the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage become extremely important. Visiting castles is one of the most interesting and challenging forms of cultural and educational tourism. Among the diverse historical and architectural heritage of Ukraine, defensive structures such as fortresses, castles, defensive temples, and urban fortifications hold special significance and attract tourists. Therefore, the development of castle tourism and the enhancement of its appeal are closely linked to the current state of national tourism development. An important task today is the preservation and promotion of castles. Castles in Ukraine have suffered significantly from various factors after losing the original function. Today, there is no exact data on their total number, as many have been lost forever. However, the country’s fortifications can become not only interesting tourist attractions but also an important part of the tourism infrastructure, as has already happened in European countries, where more than a third of such complexes are used as hotels and restaurants. The article characterizes castle tourism and emphasizes its role in the tourism industry. Prospective directions for the development of castle tourism in the Ternopil region are outlined. Castle tourism is an important component of cultural and historical tourism in Europe. It includes several main destinations, each of which has its own characteristics and attracts different categories of tourists. In addition to the economic effect, the development of tourism around historical and cultural objects will contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage and increase the level of education of the population. Tourism can become a powerful tool for forming a positive image of Ukraine in the international arena, demonstrating the wealth of our history and culture to the world. To realize the region's potential, it is necessary to attract investments, have effective marketing and cooperate at various levels.


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How to Cite
Dolynska, O., Shorobura, I., & Hilberh, T. (2024). CASTLE TOURISM IN TERNOPIL REGION: CURRENT STATE AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Economy and Society, (63).

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