• Daria Butenko Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, Doing business rating, motivation, motivationlabor incentive, material motivation, non-material motivation


The article covers the issues of motivational management and its impact on the development of entrepreneurial activity. The analysis of the dynamics of favorable conditions of conducting business in Ukraine, as a key characteristic of the level of business development. The existence of interconnection between intellectual capital and the level of development of entrepreneurial activity is substantiated. The existing points of view concerning the essence of the concepts of «motivation», «motive» and «motivational management» are considered. Separated types of motivation and their contents are revealed. The evaluation of material motivation in Ukraine is analyzed and its dynamics analyzed. The existing systems of remuneration (part-time and hourly) are given, the characteristic features of modern forms and systems of remuneration are singled out. The basic principles of observance which are necessary for the development of an effective system of remuneration are listed. Non-material (non-economic) methods of motivation are considered, namely: organizational and moral-psychological. Their essence is disclosed and the justification of expediency of introduction by business entities is provided. The essence and tasks of hr-managers have been established. Recommendations on the implementation of an effective system of motivation in entrepreneurial activity are developed on the basis of improving the existing system of remuneration, which aims to increase the intellectual potential of employees and the implementation of organizational and moral-psychological methods of motivation. Scientific novelty of the obtained results is the further development of theoretical and methodological support of motivational management in entrepreneurial activity. Further development of methodological recommendations on the introduction of motivational management in entrepreneurial activity has been developed. Further development of methodical recommendations on the introduction of motivational management in entrepreneurial activity. These recommendations include the introduction of an effective system of motivation in entrepreneurial activity, which is precisely the practical value of the article.


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