Keywords: internal reporting, internal business reporting, management reporting, operational reporting, internal corporate management reporting, management decisions


The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the essence of internal reporting, as well as defining its role in the enterprise management system. The concepts of «internal reporting» and «management reporting», as well as their interpretation in the works of domestic scholars and practitioners are considered. Analyzed the term «internal reporting» by Ukrainian scientists, and provided their own interpretation of this term the requirements for the formation of management reporting are considered, which can reveal the full state of the enterprise and provide complete and reliable information for managers regarding further management decisions. It is also noted that for corporate enterprises the concepts of «internal reporting» and «management reporting» are not informative enough, so it is advisable to use the term «internal corporate management reporting», as such a term discloses information about the purpose of further use of information contained in these reports, as well as the subjects whose interests it affects. Also there was found that internal business reporting is one of the main sources of information about the activities of the enterprise, as well as an important tool for monitoring business activities. Considering management reporting as a source of information about the state of the enterprise, three groups of information are distinguished by which managers of various levels of management are guided: strategic information, tactical information, operational information. It is stated that such reporting should be prompt, concise and submitted when it is necessary to make specific management decisions without unnecessary information. Given the requirements for the formation of management reporting, such reporting must be reliable, objective and understandable, so that each individual responsible manager can receive the information in which he is interested. Studies have also shown that in most cases, companies do not have general rules for the formation of such reports, as well as insufficient qualifications of employees, which in turn is accompanied by a lack of legislative regulation of management accounting.


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