Keywords: expert assessment, expert voting, management decision-making, methods of expert assessment, the Delphi method


The article is dedicated to the different theoretical and practical aspects of the application of methods of expert assessments and expert questioning in the process of making managerial decisions. Within this direction of scientific research, the essence of decision and decision-making process as well as the reasons for using the opinions of outside experts and specialists are discovered and analyzed. The authors have defined and highlighted the main useful scientific methods and approaches in the field of expert evaluation. In this connection the quantitative methods of expert assessment are mentioned as the basis of expert systems within the practical implementation of theories of artificial intelligence. Among others, the most general stages for preparing the process of expert assessment are discovered. The recommended mechanism of selection and evaluation of specialists' efficiency (which includes the strictly recommended requirements for the professional, experience and personal level of each expert) is demonstrated and described. The necessity, real value and practical efficiency of using the method of expert evaluation are investigated and proved on the example of the Delphi method as one of the most famous and significant but difficult. The main characteristics and peculiarities of the Delphi method are explained in details, including the expediency, the positive sides and possible shortcomings and the difficulties of implementation of such expert opinion methods in practice of economic and management activities. Furthermore, the typical stages for expert assessment and examination are shown in the realm of this Delphi method. In order to show the influence and efficiency on practice for methods of expert assessment, the authors have developed and explained a relevant practical example of organizing, conducting and analyzing the results of an expert survey within the confectionery industry. As a result, the authors have developed the demonstrative recommendations for interested users concerning application of the methods of expert assessment on practice of management decision-making.


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How to Cite
Oleksiienko, R., & Donets, A. (2021). PLACE OF THE EXPERT ASSESSMENT IN MANAGEMENT DECISION-MAKING. Economy and Society, (26).