Keywords: digitization, digital economy, IT sector, agricultural sector, government, startup


The study is dedicated to determining the role of digital technologies in the modern economy of Ukraine and their impact on the activities of enterprises in various fields. Today, in the modern world, the digital economy is one of the most influential factors of economic growth and development. It is characterized by the use of digital technologies for the creation, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The digital economy has significant potential for increasing labor productivity, creating new jobs, and increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products and the country as a whole. Ukraine has all the prerequisites for implementing a successful digital economy. The purpose of the study is to determine the need for the implementation of digital technologies at all levels of enterprise activity to ensure their development in conditions of uncertainty and military conflict, as well as the formation of a set of recommendations for enterprises of various fields of activity on the implementation of IT technologies in practical activities. In recent years, starting in 2019, Ukraine has accelerated the pace of digitalization, and in some cases, even outpaced leading technological countries. An example of such a crazy development was the appearance of electronic documents in the Diya application. 18 million Ukrainians have been using this application for three years. Over the years, 14 electronic documents and about 25 services have appeared in the application. This also applies to the digitalization of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Since 2022, the DAR system has been implemented to activate the country's agricultural sector. After all, the challenges of recent years prove the need to introduce new technologies into agriculture. But the process of potential digitization of the agricultural sector is still quite slow, there is a problem of digital literacy of farmers and workers, consumers of AgriTech. In the process of implementing digital technologies and supporting startups in this and other areas of IT technology implementation, the role of government support, education development, and the introduction of digitalization at all levels of production is definitely important. Domestic companies in various fields of activity face the question of further development in unstable economic conditions. New challenges require new approaches to management and activity conditions. It is the transition to the digital economy that enables many enterprises and organizations to reach a new level of management.


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How to Cite
Akuliushyna, M., Islamova, A., & Biiuk , V. (2024). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (61).