Keywords: strategy, entrepreneurial activity, formation development, construction, theoretical aspects


The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the fact that the growing uncertainty of conducting business, caused by crisis phenomena in the economy and other negative factors encourage domestic companies to seek new markets, diversify production and other strategies to survive in domestic and international markets. The work generalizes the theoretical aspects of the formation of a strategy for the development of entrepreneurial activity in construction. It is noted that there are two opposing views on understanding the concept of strategy. The first view states that a strategy is a long-term plan for achieving a certain goal, and the second view argues that strategy formation is the process of finding a specific goal and creating a long term plan for its achievement. Another view of strategy describes it as a focused, long-term path of development that should lead the system to its chosen goal. The author's definition of the strategy of development of the subject of entrepreneurial activity, under which should be understood the main direction of certain rules and principles, which is implemented with the help of available economic resources and taking into account possible actions of competitors, which leads to the final result, leaving the freedom of choice, considering changes in the environment. It is noted that entrepreneurial activity in construction can be carried out by direct production of any product, and can also be classified by different signs and directions. It was found that in the process of forming and implementing the strategy of development of entrepreneurial activity in construction, it is important to take full account of external circumstances, potential opportunities and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of companies. It was concluded that the development and implementation of such a strategy requires providing economic entities with all kinds of resources: human, financial, energy, information, technological. Formation of strategy of development of entrepreneurial activity in construction should be provided with state support at all levels of management for entrepreneurs to take effective management decisions capable of solving the key problems of both their own business and the growth of sales volumes of construction products in the country.


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