Keywords: universal competencies, soft skills, Revolution 4.0, global economy, intellectual capital


The era of the Fourth industrial revolution creates new challenges for the training of specialists in general and higher education, in particular in the global context, which, in turn, leads to the formation of new competences in graduates of higher educational institutions. First of all, it should be noted that in recent years the range of social requirements for education in higher education institutions in Europe and the world has grown significantly. Today, higher education must meet the wide range of needs of a developed society and economy of knowledge. This is facilitated by expanding learning opportunities for more people, promoting research and innovation in higher education, responding to local and regional economic challenges, and improving quality and efficiency in all aspects of higher education. Until today, educational institutions in most countries around the world do not pay much attention to the formation and development of universal competences, focusing on the development of professional skills. Until now, educational institutions in most countries of the world have not paid much attention to the formation and development of universal competencies, focusing only on the development of professional skills. Gradual awareness of the importance of universal competencies and the need to supplement their professional skills is already actively used by both scientists and practitioners. Dynamic changes in life, updating information and the enormous pace of its accumulation, technological development and organizational change determine the need for a person who is able to flexibly and quickly adapt to new requirements, respond adequately to new challenges, learn throughout life, develop and create. A fundamental feature of the modern approach to vocational education is its continuity, the need for continuous training, lifelong learning. The Bologna Declaration pays special attention to this. Thus, these characteristics clearly show the national characteristics of static, qualification, specialized, and hence organizational training, which causes significant difficulties in the transition of citizens from country to country to obtain or continue education and recognition of qualifications for employment. Therefore, in connection with the processes of globalization and European integration, there is an urgent need to unify degrees and qualifications by bringing together the structure, organization and content of education in different European countries. A fundamental feature of the modern approach to professional education is its continuity, the need for continuous training, lifelong learning. In order to measure and assess the skills, knowledge and skills acquired during training required for a particular type of professional activity, the European Commission has launched a system of tools to increase the mobility of human capital in the European labor market. The expediency of the competence approach is the ability to maintain flexibility and autonomy in the architecture of the curriculum in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna system of education and the market of educational services. The above, together with the perception of universities of their own students not so much an intellectual resource as intellectual capital, will benefit not only the state, society, communities, but also the university itself. Competence approach is characterized by universality, openness, compliance with the needs of space and time and promotes the development of skills to solve problems that arise in real life situations. The introduction of the development of universal competencies in the content of education, the implementation of appropriate monitoring of the quality of education in European countries is a gradual, scientifically sound process, accompanied by wide discussion among professionals and the teaching community. Institutional and radical change of university activity through active involvement of students in the processes of quality management of education, participation in research and projects, including extracurricular, in particular, and within international cooperation, will determine the content of universal competences that are necessary in the labor market in terms of Revolution 4.0.


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