Keywords: financial transactions financial monitoring, SCFM, subjects of initial financial monitoring


The essence of the functioning of financial monitoring is revealed. The main objects of financial monitoring are identified and are related to the relevant participants in the financial transactions that conduct them. The current state, trends in the functioning of financial monitoring, methods of financial monitoring in order to determine the operations with the highest risk of money laundering and their detailed verification are analyzed. The problem of ensuring legality in the field of finance is the creation of such a control mechanism, which could combine the state's desire for business transparency with the legitimate desire of the latter to maintain trade and banking secrecy, which is a guarantee of its stability in competition. As a result, the development of a structure whose main task is closed analytical work on monitoring financial flows, and whose main purpose is to combat money laundering and guide law enforcement agencies to stop criminal economic activity. In modern economic conditions in Ukraine, characterized by instability of the macroeconomic situation, high level of uncertainty of the external environment, intensification of competition, the role of economic management methods, which include financial monitoring, is rapidly increasing. Financial monitoring is a special part of management systems of different levels of the state economy, allowing to obtain objective and timely information about changes in internal and external to the object of management conditions necessary for effective management decisions. The importance of financial monitoring is determined by the dynamism of the studied phenomena, the need to consider them in the dynamics, to monitor negative trends and make timely adjustments. At the current stage of functioning of the financial monitoring system in Ukraine little attention is paid, in connection with which there is an objective need for detailed consideration and coverage of the main directions of building an effective and flexible financial monitoring system capable, despite modern obstacles in our country. society, to carry out the task set before it, namely – to help strengthen the economic security of the state.


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