Keywords: cost, added value, efficiency, profit, enterprises


The article reveals theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the essence of added value. Based on the generalization of the existing theoretical provisions, the essence of the concept of «added value» and its meaning in the modern world is revealed. It was found out that the concept of added value was first considered when researching the costs of creating a product, selling price, and calculating profit. It was revealed that the main factor in the creation of added value is the work of hired workers, the basis of creation of added value is the participation of all factors of production, they believe that the added value consists of wages, interest and profit added to the product by a company or industry. The main components and the process of creating added value are considered. It was found out that in the theory of value, added value as an economic category appeared relatively recently and has already acquired the status of one of the main indicators of determining the efficiency of production in market conditions, since the main result of the national economy is formed on their basis ‒ the gross domestic product. It is emphasized that each of the elements of added value has its own meaningful load, and in market conditions, the contribution of each enterprise to the creation of a product or service is evaluated according to the indicator of added value. The essence of the EVA economic value added indicator is revealed. The concepts of gross and net added value, as well as the essence of added value as a macroeconomic indicator, are considered. Attention is focused on the fact that recently added value has become an important reference point for the development of agrarian business. It is substantiated that the added value plays a significant role in the development of agro-industrial production, and in Ukrainian agribusiness the added value can be significantly increased thanks to the further processing of agricultural products and the production of high-tech products. The main chains of the formation of added value were considered on the example of oil crops and emphasis was placed on the main areas of their assessment.


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How to Cite
Mirzoieva, T., & Stepasiuk, M. (2023). ON THE ISSUE OF ADDED VALUE. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-37