Keywords: digitalization, digitization, insurance, digital insurance


In modern conditions of economic development, all areas and parts of the financial system implement digital technologies in their activities. Despite the huge amount of research, there are still insufficiently studied issues that are directly related to digitalization in insurance. The purpose of the work is to study the essence of the concept of "digitalization" and to present the author's vision of the definition of "digital insurance". In the study, the following general scientific dialectical and specific economic methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization – when studying the developments of Ukrainian and foreign scientists; tabular and graphic – to display analytical and statistical information, a schematic representation of a number of theoretical and practical provisions of scientific work. The article analyzes the approaches of different authors to the definition of "digitalization". The main attention is paid to the theoretical generalization, analysis and ordering of interpretations of the studied economic category. The most significant features that reflect the essence of this definition are the penetration of digital technologies into business processes, the translation of a certain information field from analog to digital format and the process of systematization, use, processing of information in digital format. Based on a generalized analysis of the interpretation of the definition of "digitalization" by scientists, the author's vision of the essence of the term "digital insurance" is proposed. It is proposed to consider digital insurance as a process of systematization, use and processing of information through the use of insurance companies of modern information and communication technologies and the introduction of insurance innovations to improve customer service and communication with them. The main advantages of digitalization processes in the insurance market through the introduction of online insurance are outlined. The study allowed to deepen the theoretical and substantive content of the definition of "digital insurance" by using for its detailed characterization a system of parameters: determining factor, method and purpose (target orientation), and taking into account the essential, informational and technological aspects.


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How to Cite
Romashko, O., & Pukish, O. (2021). DIGITAL INSURANCE: ESSENTIAL ASPECT ANALYSIS. Economy and Society, (26).