Keywords: business, digitalization, information systems, public procurement, development, technologies


The digital economy is an important element of the public procurement system. It allows you to increase the efficiency, transparency and competitiveness of the procurement process. Providing increased transparency (e.g. Prozorro electronic procurement system allows all participants in the procurement process to access complete procurement information, including tender documentation, technical specifications, price offers and auction results, which reduces corruption and abuse), efficiency (automation and optimization of many procurement processes, e.g. preparation of tender documents, evaluation of price offers and contract management saves time and money), competitiveness (information technologies help procurement participants better understand the needs of customers, submit more competitive offers, stimulating economic growth and development). Digital transformation and innovation can also be well managed in small and medium-sized companies, increasing their competitive advantages and providing them with revenue and development. Digital transformation of small and medium-sized businesses proved vital long before the COVID-19 crisis, and after its impact, this importance became even stronger and clearer for ensuring the sustainability of small and medium-sized businesses. This is a continuous process of updating and innovating current processes as technology continues to evolve, and for such businesses to survive, it is necessary to constantly innovate in order to grow and thrive. Expanding the vector of digitalization of economic activity of Small Business Forms has a number of important justifications that reflect the effectiveness of this process. Digitalization of economic processes allows you to reduce the cost of Labor, energy, paper, etc. (due to the automation of many processes); increase efficiency (through faster and more accurate tasks); expand opportunities (by entering new markets, attracting new customers and partners). An example of the introduction of digitalization is the activity of online stores, online marketing (allow you to expand the circle of customers and the range of means of attracting them), internet technologies for automating business processes, in particular, managing finances, personnel, warehouse, etc.


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How to Cite
Buluy, O., Plotnikova, M., & Yakovenko, O. (2023). DIGITAL ECONOMY AS AN ELEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEMS. Economy and Society, (58).