Keywords: banking credit, trends, economic development, banking system, lending conditions


This article delves into the analysis of current trends in banking credit in Ukraine spanning the period from 2018 to 2023. Banking credit has always played a pivotal role in the economic development of any country, and Ukraine is no exception. Over recent years, the country's banking system has undergone significant transformations, impacting the terms and accessibility of credit for both citizens and businesses. This article explores the noteworthy changes in Ukraine's banking sector over the past five years and their influence on clients and the economy at large. Against the backdrop of rapid changes, this research aims to identify opportunities to enhance the attractiveness of Ukraine's financial sector, making it appealing to those interested in the country's economic development. The article scrutinizes the evolving landscape of banking and credit, addressing the shifts in lending policies, interest rates, and the overall dynamics of financial institutions. Special attention is given to the adaptability of the banking system to external economic challenges and the measures taken to ensure stability. The study unfolds the intricacies of the regulatory environment and its impact on the banking sector, shedding light on how legislative changes have shaped the credit landscape in Ukraine. Additionally, it assesses the role of technology in modern banking practices, examining the rise of digital banking and its implications for credit accessibility. In times of dynamic change, this research serves as a compass for stakeholders, providing insights into the future trajectory of banking credit in Ukraine. By identifying areas for improvement, it aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on bolstering the financial sector's role in fostering the country's economic growth. As Ukraine navigates through these transformative years, understanding and adapting to the evolving trends in banking credit will be crucial for sustaining a resilient and responsive financial landscape.By presenting a comprehensive analysis of both historical shifts and prospective developments, this article aims to equip policymakers, investors, and financial professionals with valuable information for strategic decision-making in the dynamic landscape of Ukrainian banking.


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How to Cite
Liudkovska, Y., & Abdullaieva, A. (2023). ANALYSIS OF CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN BANKING CREDIT IN UKRAINE DURING 2018-2023. Economy and Society, (56).