Keywords: social vulnerability, social vulnerability risk, vulnerability factors, socially vulnerable categories of the population, vulnerability іndicators


The article covers the general findings of a study on the social vulnerability of the population in the Carpathian region of Ukraine during the war. The results of the author’s survey of households in the Carpathian region on the satisfaction of their basic needs in the first quarter of 2023 are analyzed. The article reveals that the losses experienced by the criteria of socio-psychological, high moral, and national-patriotic values are the most severe losses for the population caused by the war. Personal material losses of income, work, comfort, living conditions, etc. are also important and decisive for the social vulnerability of the population, yet less tragic than the former ones. The most significant losses for the population include the lack of security and moral and psychological peace, extensive damage to the country (destroyed cities, villages, infrastructure, economy, etc.), lives of familiar and unfamiliar soldiers or civilians, and the possibility of a happy life. Satisfaction with the basic needs of the population in the first quarter of 2023 is assessed for all respondents and separately for internally displaced persons and the permanent population. The study reveals that the level of satisfaction of the basic needs of internally displaced persons is 1.01-1.5 times lower than the corresponding indicators for the permanent population, depending on the need. According to the level of satisfaction of the main problems, the levels of social vulnerability of the population of such indicators as: basic needs, living conditions, health care, means of livelihood, education, protection are determined. The author outlines the most common risks of social vulnerability, including the loss of psycho-emotional stability, insufficient income, loss of a sense of security, and lack or absence of a job and place of work. Factors of social vulnerability of the population of the Carpathian region are analyzed. The most socially vulnerable households of the region have been identified. Based on indicators of respondents' levels of vulnerability, the most and least widespread risks of social vulnerability of the population of the region are highlighted. Among the most common risks, the following are highlighted: loss of psycho-emotional stability, insufficient income (reduced purchasing power); loss of sense of security; loss or shortage of work, workplace. The least common risks: lack of housing, place of residence; lack of food, foodstuffs; lack of drugs, medicines.


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How to Cite
Andrusyshyn, N., & Makhoniuk, O. (2023). SOCIAL VULNERABILITY OF THE POPULATION OF THE CARPATHIAN REGION DURING THE WAR. Economy and Society, (56).