Keywords: legal provision, society, social protection, guarantee, social assistance, social support, social task


In the context of this publication, the author focuses on the legal provision of social entrepreneurship, as the main component of radical changes in the system of social services. Attention is focused on groups of normative legal documents and the evolution of the legislative framework of social security in our country. The focus is on a comparison of the initial regulatory framework with its current assets. Issues that have not yet been sufficiently resolved are highlighted. Both the pluses and minuses of normative legal documents in the field of social protection are reflected. An important aspect of ensuring the social protection system is disclosed - fixing and guaranteeing the rights, duties and responsibilities of the subjects of tax relations in regulatory documents. On the basis of a wide source base, the necessary measures are proposed to increase the level of legal support of the social protection system. The research methodology consists of a combination of philosophical, general scientific and special methods of learning the objective world. Their use is determined by a systematic approach to conducting research. The historical method was used when reviewing the development of legislative initiatives. General scientific methods were used throughout the study. Two directions of social protection of the population, and therefore the provision of social services, which are new for Ukraine, were separately highlighted. This is the social protection of the participants of the so-called "Operation of the United Forces", which in the legislation is abbreviated as "OOS", and the families of those killed in this operation, as well as ensuring the rights and freedoms of IDPs who were also affected by the implementation of OOS in their places of origin. It was concluded that a lot of work has been done to create a legal framework for the social service system. However, the analysis of the legislative framework regarding the subject of the investigation gives reason to assume that its effectiveness is currently insufficient.


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How to Cite
Andronik, O., & Makohin, O. (2023). REGULATORY AND LEGAL SECURITY OF THE SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEM IN UKRAINE . Economy and Society, (56).