Keywords: investments, financial investments, investing, accounting of financial investments, investment activity, methods of assessment, management


In conditions of economic instability, the basis of the development of enterprises in certain industries and the country's economy as a whole is investment activity. The effectiveness of financial investment at the enterprise, the definition of its priority areas largely depends on the proper organization of accounting and control over financial investments. The purpose of the article is to study current directions for improving the accounting of financial investments, which in the long term will have a positive result in the management of the financial activities of the enterprise. The article outlines the features and modern problems of the organization of accounting for financial investments in enterprises and its regulatory and legal justification. Changes in the accounting system of financial investments are proposed, taking into account their economic content and the level of influence on the efficiency of investment activities of economic entities. The economic essence of financial investments is considered, their role and functional purpose in the structure of the modern economic system is determined. The existing approaches to the classification of financial investments were studied and the classification features for their grouping were determined, in particular: the period of investment, the method of accounting, the form of investment, the territorial belonging of the investor, the objects of investment. Within the framework of the proposed classification of financial investments, appropriate recommendations are provided for the detailing of information about financial investments in the Chart of Accounts in order to improve the analytical nature of accounting and to provide reliable information for certain types of financial investments. Under the condition of updating the system of registers intended for accounting of financial investments, it is recommended to decode the article of the enterprise's balance sheet on long-term corporate financial investments in order to ensure a clearer structure of the invested capital and make effective economic decisions on this basis. It is emphasized that further research in the context of accounting for financial investments is related to the improvement of their assessment and primary accounting, with the development of an optimal mechanism of accounting, assessment and forecasting of the efficiency of the use of financial investments at the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Burlan, S., & Danilova, H. (2023). FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS: ACCOUNTING ASPECT. Economy and Society, (56).