Keywords: region, competitiveness, competitive advantages, regional economy, regional development, assessment approaches, GRP per capita, regional competitiveness index


The goal of our work is the analysis of existing approaches to assessing the competitiveness of the regional economy in terms of shifting the emphasis to the regional level. Just at the regional level the process of social, economic, ecological, humanitarian and other positive changes is ensured. Regions become centers of development, which aim to create favorable conditions for business and ensure the appropriate level and quality of life of the population. An important direction of regional policy is the formation of the competitiveness of regions and the use of competitive advantages that would provide it with better positions compared to other regions. In the course of the conducted research, it was established that the assessment of competitiveness is possible by using a wide range of modern tools (from methods developed by various international institutions to methods proposed by individual researchers). It was determined that most of the proposed methods are built around the assessment of competitiveness factors, which can be summarized as follows: human resources; natural and ecological resources; capital; infrastructure; innovative and scientific and informational potential; intellectual potential. Another group of methods revolves around the resulting approach to assessing the competitiveness of the region and the dominant indicator is the gross regional product per capita, which reflects not only the state of socio-economic development of the region, but also reflects the possibilities of its economic growth. Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions can be drawn: conclusions that, firstly, the competitiveness of the region is a complex category, since each region develops in different conditions and is under the influence of different circumstances, which makes it impossible to form a single methodical approach to assessing its competitiveness; secondly, the assessment of competitiveness should be comprehensive (factor and result approaches), which will make it possible to form such a set of competitive advantages that will ensure both socio-economic development and competitiveness of the region.


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How to Cite
Pugachevska, K., & Feier, O. (2023). COMPETITIVENESS OF THE REGIONAL ECONOMY: APPROACHES TO ASSESSMENT. Economy and Society, (55).