• Olena Prutska Vinnytsia Istitute of Trade and Economics State University of Trade and Economics
  • Liliya Martynova Vinnytsia Istitute of Trade and Economics State University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: public finances, martial law, state budget, state debt, war bonds, international aid


The article is devoted to topical issues of public finance management in wartime conditions. It is emphasized that under these conditions, the management of public finances is radically different from the usual procedures in peacetime and requires corresponding changes in the regulatory and legal framework. The changes in the legal framework of the wartime period in the territory of Ukraine in the direction of effective response to changes in the distribution and redistribution of public finances are presented. It was revealed that as a result of military operations and implemented measures, tax revenues decreased, and the main sources of state budget financing became military bonds, loans from international financial organizations, as well as bilateral loans and grants. Factors influencing the state of Ukraine's state finances were analyzed and systematized, including the unpredictability of the implementation of the revenue part of the budget, the increase in defense costs, the increase in the budget deficit, and increased dependence on external sources of financing. Sources of financing of the state budget of Ukraine for the period from February 24, 2022 and the amount of aid provided to Ukraine by international partners since the beginning of the war were analyzed. It is well-founded that the unprecedented nature of the destruction caused to our country and the drop in GDP gives reason to insist on writing off most of Ukraine's debt to international organizations, including the IMF and the World Bank. It was emphasized that an important source of replenishment of funds for the reconstruction of Ukraine should be the funds of the aggressor country, which are still frozen, and the international community is working on a legal mechanism for their involvement in the reconstruction process. After the end of the war and the beginning of the gradual restoration of the economy, financial capacity and tax potential of communities, economic growth, full payment of taxes, achievement of a budget surplus, privatization of state assets will become of primary importance. The main areas of improvement of the budget policy of the government during the war are outlined.


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How to Cite
Prutska, O., & Martynova, L. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FINANCES DURING THE WAR. Economy and Society, (55).