Keywords: bank, loan, lending process, credit risk, cooperation with business, small business, medium business


The article is devoted to the study of the features and conditions of lending to small and medium-sized enterprises by the credit institution JSC "Oschadbank" in the context of the introduction of martial law. The study is aimed at determining the procedures and requirements that regulate this process, as well as identifying potential advantages and limitations faced by enterprises applying to JSC "Oschadbank" for financial support in an emergency situation. It was determined that providing loans becomes possible, the only source of solving the problems of ensuring continuous and systematic functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is noted that lending to SMEs creates significant credit risks for banks, so the main causes of these risks for credit institutions were analyzed. Recommendations of JSC "Oschadbank" are given, which can help improve the bank's credit activity and reputation and strengthen cooperation with business. This article examines an important aspect of modern financial activity in the conditions of martial law - lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of JSC "Oschadbank". The research is aimed at studying the features and conditions under which SME loans are granted in emergency situations. The article analyzes the procedures and requirements governing the lending process, as well as reveals your advantages and limitations faced by businesses that turn to the bank for financial support in times of crisis. In the modern conditions of economic development of Ukraine, the issue of support and development of small and medium-sized businesses is becoming especially urgent. The article emphasizes that the provision of loans to SMEs becomes a source for ensuring the continuous and systematic functioning of these enterprises in the conditions of martial law. On the basis of the conducted research, the article provides recommendations for JSC "Oschadbank", which contribute to the improvement of credit activity and increase of the bank's reputation in the conditions of martial law. The results of this article can be useful both for enterprises that are considering the possibility of obtaining a loan, and for a credit institution that is trying to adapt its policy to the challenges of martial law.


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How to Cite
Chernyshova, L., & Hrekova, M. (2023). FEATURES OF LENDING TO SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESSES OF OSCHADBANK JSC UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economy and Society, (55). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-55-69