Keywords: IT industry, full-scale war, market research, development strategy, product IT


The article provides an detailed analysis of the IT sector in the Ukrainian economy in the context of a full-scale war, taking into consideration international strategies for cultivation IT industry growth during periods of conflict. Recent theoretical and analytical studies emphasize the ongoing relevance and need for continuous examination of this critical topic. The research includes three distinct periods: pre-2014, the pre-full-scalse war period, and the ongoing full-scale war. These periods were thoroughly examined to understand the dynamics of IT sector development, while also accounting for geographical and military-political considerations. It is important to note that the ongoing war has posed unique challenges and opportunities for the IT sector, particularly in areas such as Military Technology (MilTech). The global experience of IT industry development strategies was reviewed to draw valuable insights for the Ukrainian economy. Key findings highlight the pivotal role of the IT sector in sustaining the state budget. This sector has proven to be a dependable source of revenue, despite the challenging circumstances. Based on the Israeli model, which has successfully bolstered its IT sector in the midst of continuous regional conflicts, Ukraine can learn valuable lessons and best practices. The Israeli experience demonstrates the potential for growth even in turbulent times. One area of notable growth during times of conflict is MilTech, as defense-related IT solutions become increasingly essential. The war has stimulated innovation and investment in MilTech, positioning it as a significant driver of growth within the IT sector. Furthermore, the digitization of public services for businesses has played a pivotal role in enhancing the resilience and adaptability of the IT sector. This digitization effort has streamlined processes and improved efficiency, contributing positively to the sector's development. Based on a comprehensive comparative analysis of global practices and the Ukrainian context, a set of recommendations for the further advancement of the country's IT industry emerges. This research underscores the importance of fostering and supporting product companies, startups, and R&D centers, as they possess several advantages over traditional service companies. Their innovation-driven nature and potential for high-value creation make them vital components of Ukraine's evolving IT landscape.


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How to Cite
Lisik, O., & Moryak, T. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF UKRAINE’S IT SECTOR IN THE CONTEXT OF A FULL-SCALE WAR. Economy and Society, (55).