Keywords: project, team, project management, personnel management, project activity, leadership


The article defines the main characteristics that affect the formation of an effective team for project implementation. The stages of development of the project team were studied. Analyzing personnel management tools in the project, it should be noted that this area of management always requires special attention, its human resource is a key resource in the organization. The right choice of delegation of authority is important for an effective team in project activities of the organization. Management skills for the leader of an effective team in project activities are given. According to research and observation, successful teams use a method called deviation management. Recommendations on the specifics of project team management were made, as well as suggestions for improving this process. The project team management process consists of many elements, namely: identification of personnel needs, formulation of qualification requirements, search for project team members, recruitment of project team members, organization of their activities, formation of a system of decent remuneration, identification of personal needs of project team members, development of a system of personal and professional development, creation of a system of prevention and resolution of conflicts on the project, development of a system of motivation of team members, monitoring of the effectiveness of their activities and satisfaction, adjustment of the team management system. An important element of the effectiveness of the implementation of any project is its personnel, as one of the components of success. It is the project staff that ensures the performance of all the necessary tasks and acts as that element of the project, on the quality of whose work depends the effectiveness of the project itself, its success and effectiveness. In these conditions, it becomes logical that the effectiveness of the project staff depends on the process and the quality of its management. This becomes especially relevant in the conditions of war and the transition of a large number of enterprises to a remote form of work or even closing.


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How to Cite
Podzihun, S. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF AN EFFICIENT TEAM IN PROJECT ACTIVITY. Economy and Society, (52).