Keywords: financial and economic crisis, globalization, balance of payments, GDP, foreign debt, exchange rate


Modern trends in global globalization processes are gaining momentum, which have ambiguous consequences for the economic system and act as a mechanism for the spread of instability, which first arises at the local (national) level, and then covers the international (regional) and global levels. The strengthening of the globalization of the economy actualizes the study of new patterns of crisis phenomena. The article is devoted to the study of the causes and economic consequences of financial and economic crises for states. The method of systematization, graphic method, methods of induction and deduction were used in the research process. The research highlights the factors of economic crisis phenomena (endogenous factors: reproductive and structural, institutional and organizational-economic, state-economic and conjunctural, foreign economic; exogenous factors, technological, demographic and natural-ecological, socio-cultural and psychological, state-legal and military). The classification of world financial crises was carried out: according to the level of international economic relations, disturbing factors, according to the coverage of the monetary and financial system. The study identifies key macroeconomic indicators of economic crises and tools for monitoring their dynamics, which allows timely determination of the probability of occurrence of systemic economic crises in order to develop management solutions for their prevention and prevention of their transition from local to regional and global. Based on a retrospective study of the history of the global financial crisis and analysis of scientific sources, the main macroeconomic indicators that testify to the development of the financial crisis are the state of the balance of payments, the ratio of external debt to GDP, the level of volatility of the exchange rate and the ratio of international reserves to the growth of imports. The research results presented in the article can be used in practical activities to analyze warnings of financial and economic crises in the countries of the world.


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How to Cite
Voronova, O., Marushchak, S., & Pugachov, M. (2023). GLOBAL FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC CRISES AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY OF STATES. Economy and Society, (51).