Keywords: business, type of economic activity, program, state support


The purpose of the article is to highlight the priorities of business development in wartime from the point of view of a practical aspect. Business development during martial law involves many uncertainties and risks. To promote this development, the state offers Ukrainian entrepreneurs many opportunities for this. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion until the end of 2022, representatives of domestic business suffered 13 billion dollars. US losses from Russian aggression. Currently, the government has developed and is implementing programs to provide temporary assistance and business support during martial law. The main goal of these measures is to maximally reduce the time required to manage the activities and financial obligations of business representatives to the state, and to promote development in today's difficult situation. The state is strengthening support for business representatives under martial law. As part of the eRobota project, the "Own business" program has been introduced. The state is also trying to lend business representatives during martial law, providing a 0% loan in the amount of up to UAH 60 million. according to the state program "Affordable loans 5-9%". Under these principles, the state is trying to create conditions for business representatives to realize their entrepreneurial potential, because during the period of martial law, the economic potential of Ukraine is preserved and conditions are created for the creation of new jobs. This, for its part, serves as a quality basis for strengthening the capabilities of enterprises in the conditions of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and sectoral transformation of the economy. A very urgent issue for the Ukrainian economy today is the replenishment of the revenue part of the state budget at the expense of taxes. One of the main challenges today is the development and further implementation of solutions to support entrepreneurial activity and further growth and expansion of business in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Stefaniuk, O., Galunets, N., & Sidnenko, M. (2023). BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES IN WARTIME. Economy and Society, (49).