Keywords: pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical enterprises, medicinal products, goods, demand, sales, price


The purpose of our research is to analyze the current state and consider some aspects of the functioning of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law, as well as to determine the prospects for its development. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of considering in the article problematic issues of the functioning of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and providing proposals for its restoration and development. In the process of research, we used such methods as abstract-logical, comparison, generalization, analysis and synthesis. The obtained results are characterized by a systematic approach to research. An analysis of the current state of the pharmaceutical market was carried out, and factors hindering its development were identified. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of sales of pharmaceutical goods and services during the period of martial law and after its end. It was established that the export of domestic pharmaceutical products in 2022, compared to 2021, decreased by 24.5% and amounted to only 238.1 million dollars. USA, although this indicator increased almost 2 times during the period 2015-2021. The need to adopt state targeted programs to support domestic manufacturers of pharmaceutical products was emphasized. In order to further improve the pharmaceutical business, the issues of preventing its monopolization and observing the principles of fair competition are decisive. Subjects of the pharmaceutical market, in addition to obtaining maximum profits, must fulfill a social mission in providing the population with necessary medical products. It is substantiated that in order to improve the competitiveness of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, it is necessary to introduce innovative products, carry out development and establish the production of original medicines. t is also necessary to direct efforts in the direction of restoration of economic and logistic supply chains of raw materials and finished goods. Proposed ways of stimulating the development of domestic pharmaceutical production and methods of import substitution of medicines and medical equipment. The practical value of the article lies in the identification of growth factors and peculiarities of the functioning of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine during the period of martial law, as well as proposals for its development.


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