Keywords: organizational structure, model, modeling, personnel management, construction of the organization's work


The article analyzes the organizational processes of managing the construction of work through the use of structural models that determine the expected interpersonal relationships and the relationship between tasks for employees. The behavior of personnel is determined by certain motives and depends on the action of many factors of the external and internal environment. It is also important to take into account and analyze the possible effects on changes in the behavioral processes of employees. The knowledge of human behavior in the organization, its ability to adapt to the existing system of norms and values of behavior of the social system is analyzed. The content of the concepts "model" and "modeling", as well as their related categories, is characterized. The main problems in system modeling are considered, taking into account numerous factors and characteristics of the system as a whole. The concept of the system approach is described, there is a different vision of the characteristics of organization models as an open model. The description of the models does not have a classification approach, since different types of organizations can be based on the same model, or organizations that depend on the same type can be based on different models. Traditional forms of organizations and management do not meet today's requirements, which is why organizations often start experimenting in the field of developing their own organizational structures. The structural elements of the model of enrichment of work characteristics, their influence and interrelation, which is based on the strengthened cycle of staff motivation to work, are analyzed. At the same time, the potential impact of the public information processing model on the efficiency of the employees' work characteristics is indicated. The main elements of the model of socio-technical systems, which influence the performance of tasks by employees and their attitude to work, are analyzed. The social system includes aspects of the "human factor" of the organization, which can affect the performance of tasks by individuals and teams, their attitude to work and the organization. The technological system is characterized as a component of the socio-technical model. The uncertainty of tasks and work flows, as well as the interdependence of tasks, require diagnosis of the complexity of the production process, working conditions, and the time required to complete tasks.


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How to Cite
Oliynyk, N., & Lysak , V. (2023). FEATURES OF THE APPLICATION OF STRUCTURAL MODELS AT CONSTRUCTION WORK OF THE ORGANIZATION. Economy and Society, (47). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-47-27