Keywords: social and labor conflicts, evaluation methods, macro level, meso level, micro level, personal level, human development index, indicator system


The article is devoted to topical issues of research and evaluation of the prerequisites and consequences of social and labor conflicts based on the tools of the theory of human development. In previous studies of conflict theory, insufficient attention was paid to the category of work, as well as the role of the individual in social and labor relations. There is also a purely theoretical consideration of the theory of conflict, without the involvement of quantitative assessment systems of the state, prerequisites and consequences of conflicts. The existing methods of analyzing social and labor relations and predicting labor conflicts were analyzed, and the requirements for the evaluation system were systematized. Creating a system of indicators that would meet the requirements of objectivity, computability, comprehensiveness, reliability and validity remains a significant problem. Today, the system of assessing the state and conditions of human functioning based on the theory of human development has become widespread. Human development is defined as the process of growth of human capabilities, which is ensured by political freedom, human rights, social respect for the individual. Methodical approaches to the assessment of human development, represented by the international method of measuring human development – the Human Development Index. The world experience of organizing human development evaluation procedures according to the UN program was studied. A hypothesis has been put forward about the possibility of applying the methodological apparatus for evaluating the human development index to the analysis of the state and manifestation of social and labor conflicts at the macro- , meso- , and macro levels. The main idea is that through indicators of human development (health, education, well-being), through their positive or negative dynamics, it is possible to determine the satisfactory or unsatisfactory state of the quality of life in countries, regions, and enterprises, which determines the probability of occurrence ( non-occurrence) of conflicts. The world experience of organizing human development assessment procedures under the UN program was studied. A system of indicators for evaluating the preconditions of social and labor conflicts is proposed based on the human development index based on the parameters of health, education, and well-being. The presented evaluation method can be proposed as a toolkit for comparison of theory and practice of the study of the prerequisites, state, development and prevention of social and labor conflicts, which provides verification of the adequacy and validity of the conflict paradigm.


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