Keywords: social development, strategic approach, post-war period, social infrastructure, social protection and social support


The article is devoted to topical issues of the strategic approach to the social development of the enterprise in the post-war period. The consequences of military actions in Ukraine and their influence on the socio-economic development of enterprises are considered. The categorical apparatus of the enterprise's social development strategy is analyzed. The components of social development of the enterprise are defined, including: social development of personnel; development of social infrastructure; system of social protection of employees. Their essence and significance for the enterprise in the war and post-war period is analyzed. A system of "express indicators" has been formed that allow identifying general problems of a social nature in the post-war period; a system of indicators for quantitative assessment of the social development of the enterprise was synthesized. It has been proven that the social development of a modern enterprise involves a set of managed progressive socio-economic processes and socially-oriented actions, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain level of development of the social sphere or its elements through the formation of an effective system of social protection of personnel, the development of social infrastructure through the strengthening of financial opportunities of the enterprise in the difficult post-war period. The strategy of the social development of the enterprise is considered as a generalized complex model of actions necessary to achieve socially significant goals through the coordination and distribution of human, social, production and financial resources of the enterprise, which is being restored in the post-war period, aimed at the harmonious and sustainable social development of the enterprise and each employee. Recommendations for the development of the social development strategy of the enterprise are substantiated, which requires the formulation of the sequence and content of the stages of its implementation: setting the goals and objectives of the enterprise in the field of social development and comparing them with the strategic goals of the enterprise; application of express diagnostics for assessing the level of social development; determination of the level of social development of the enterprise using qualitative and quantitative indicators; analysis of external and internal factors, which is carried out using the SWOT method; formation of a social development strategy taking into account the form and size of ownership and the phase of the life cycle of the enterprise and assessment of the compliance of the social development strategy with the general strategy of the enterprise (growth, stability, reduction, reorganization, bankruptcy, post-war recovery); implementation of social development strategy and development of strategic, tactical and operational measures.


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How to Cite
Nazarova, G., Honcharova, S., & Homenko, P. (2022). STRATEGIC APPROACH TO THE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD. Economy and Society, (45).