Keywords: mechanism, production, functioning of enterprises, integration, ecologically safe use of lands


The article presents the mechanism of integration of enterprises in environmentally friendly land use. The author proposes a conceptual approach to its formation, the main components are given. The purpose of the article is to develop a mechanism for the integration of enterprises in environmentally friendly land use. n the process of writing the article, general methods of scientific knowledge will be used, in particular, such methods of empirical research as observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis and systems approach. The scheme of horizontal and vertical integration is also described. A number of problems they deal with have been identified for the operation of enterprises that use land resources in an environmentally safe manner. The main tasks to be solved by the mechanism of integration of enterprises that use environmentally safe land resources have been identified. In the current conditions of making, a profit is not the only and ultimate goal of the producer. Much more important today is the preservation of the natural environment and the development of the social sphere. In order to integrate into the trade space of the European Union, the manufacturer must think about the quality of manufactured products. It is under such conditions that the production of environmentally friendly products began. For effective business development in the field of this business, it is necessary to establish relations with local authorities and develop a regulatory framework that will contribute to the formation of effective sales channels and promotion of products among the population. The mechanism of integration of enterprises that use environmentally safe land resources should solve the following tasks: reducing the radius of delivery of raw materials and as a consequence savings in transportation costs; procurement and transportation of agricultural raw materials with the participation of the internal logistics service; as a result, savings in production costs; include a marketing service that meets the needs of consumers; utilization and processing of production waste. The implementation of the measures proposed in the article will contribute to solving a number of socio-economic problems in the development of the regions, the overall increase in the efficiency of the agricultural sector.


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How to Cite
Yekel, H. (2021). МЕХАНІЗМ ІНТЕГРАЦІЇ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ ПРИ ЕКОЛОГОБЕЗПЕЧНОМУ ВИКОРИСТАННІ ЗЕМЕЛЬ. Economy and Society, (24). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-24-11