Keywords: decentralization, administrative-territorial reform, modernization of economy, land reform


The article analyzes the current stage of decentralization reform. The inevitability and fundamental nature of changes, as well as the possibility and expediency of non-standard solutions given the specific conditions of the reform were emphasized. The analysis of the state of reform was carried out in three areas: political, land, social. A list of problems inherent in the current stage of reform in all aspects of the study, provided effective recommendations for the necessary constitutional and legislative regulation, the establishment of relevant institutions and regulatory bodies, streamlining the process of financing local communities, amending the Budget and Tax Codes. Based on the results of opinion polls, the level of public awareness and positive attitude to decentralization reforms was demonstrated. Specific subjective problems that accompanied and were a consequence of the process of administrative unification of communities were identified. Isolated cases of institutional and legal inconsistencies in the powers of various branches of government on the ground have been demonstrated, and appropriate recommendations for their elimination have been provided. The issues of land reform were considered separately in view of the recent legislative changes, which, by the way, were ambiguously perceived by the population. The need for fundamental changes in approaches to land cadastre, the development of mechanisms that would minimize the possibility of land speculation, the adoption of the Law on Restitution on the example of states that had the same conditions of development, in particular, the Baltic states. It was emphasized that the reform should be based on the wishes of citizens and the organic formation of OTG, an independent economic and administrative, social basis.


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