Keywords: energy cooperative, renewable energy sources, community, business models


Ensuring the energy needs of communities is the main component of the country's economic and energy security. The ever-increasing cost of energy sources from fossil fuels and the related instability of energy security, especially in the context of the dependence of Ukraine's energy sector on gas supplies from the Russian Federation in conditions of military aggression, cause market instability, rising energy prices and negative economic consequences. After all, traditional energy sources cause emissions of carbon dioxide, which has a negative ecological effect and leads to climate change. Today, communities in Ukraine are forming a new policy of decarbonization, and renewable energy sources occupy the main place in it. Energy cooperatives are a new model of social business in the field of renewable energy, which will overcome the lack of institutions and state regulation at the expense of self-organization of the local population and create prerequisites for the formation of distributed energy generation. The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining energy priorities for the sustainable development of territorial communities based on the creation of energy cooperatives from renewable energy sources. The purpose of this article is to determine the main prospects and obstacles in the establishment and functioning of energy cooperatives in Ukraine, taking into account the experience in foreign countries. The current state, main prospects, advantages and obstacles for the creation of energy cooperatives in Ukraine are analyzed and systematized. The world experience in the formation of business models for the supply of electric energy from renewable energy sources has been studied. The institutional components of the development mechanism of energy cooperatives and their development mechanisms are outlined. A model of a community energy cooperative based on the example of a solar power plant has been developed.


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