
The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical aspects of human capital management during the war. The relevance of the study is due to the need to revise approaches to human capital management due to changes in its characteristics, conditions of formation, development and preservation caused by the invasion of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to determine the priority areas of state and business actions aimed at improving the effectiveness of human capital management in conditions of war. To achieve the goal, the concept of "human capital management" and its main directions were defined, the losses of human capital during the war were analyzed, unfavorable conditions for its formation, development and preservation were determined, and on this basis new approaches to capital management and priority measures of state and business aimed at improving its efficiency were determined In the course of the study methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction were used. According to the results of the study it was established that human capital management is a purposeful managerial influence on the subject of management (employee), with the purpose of development of the object of management: professional skills, knowledge, competences, motivation, physical abilities, social and psychological relations and other elements of human capital In connection with Russian invasion new challenges in human capital management, connected both with considerable its losses and unfavorable conditions, have appeared before employers To improve the efficiency of human capital management priority areas of government and business were identified, in particular: the liberalization of tax and labor legislation, support for Ukrainian companies and people returning from abroad and internally displaced persons, reforming education, promoting digital culture, the return and maintenance of talent, ensuring the welfare of employees of companies, providing flexibility in business processes and transformation of business activities. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results obtained by Ukrainian companies operating in a war environment.


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How to Cite
Nazarko, S., Kantsur, I., & Poznanska, I. (2022). HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN WAR. Economy and Society, (41).

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