• Віктор Ковальчук Kryvyi Rih National University
  • Tetiana Kovalchuk
  • Natalia Kravchenko Kryvyi Rih National University
Keywords: depreciation, equipment, replacement, recondition, mining enterprise, modelling, economic assessment


The article analyses scientific developments and accumulated practical experience in the depreciation policy of enterprises. Attention is focused on considerable wearing and age of mining equipment that requires adjusting in approaches to the choice of depreciation method. The main goals of enterprises in carrying out planned preventive repairs and replacement of mining equipment are outlined. It is noted that significant excess of the statutory service life of excavators is caused by the lack of funds for the acquisition of new ones, which greatly affects the provision of planned production capacity of the enterprise as a whole. The need for selecting under such conditions an optimal method of depreciation that takes into account operational, age, and parametric characteristics of excavators is substantiated. On the basis of research conducted, the dependencies of excavator productivity and expenses for planned preventive repairs on their operating life are established. In order to solve the set problem, it is proposed to apply the method of dynamic programming. The article proves the reasonableness of the use of conditional profit of a structural production unit as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed solution. According to the results of economical-mathematical modelling, programs of reconditioning and replacement of the excavator are made and the optimum method of depreciation is established – reducing balance method. The developed program reflects the sequence of organizational measures for the repair and replacement of excavators. Under the current conditions, the program recommends changing the number and period of repair cycle of excavators during the career of the plant during the planned period. The economic estimation of the optimal depreciation method is conducted, which, unlike the traditional linear method, allows increasing the efficiency of the excavator fleet by 5.3%. Such results are determined by a decrease in the productivity of excavators, the value of which is not compensated even by the cost of restoration of performance characteristics after carrying out routine overhaul.


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How to Cite
Ковальчук, В., Kovalchuk, T., & Kravchenko, N. (2019). JUSTIFICATION OF THE OPTIMAL METHOD OF DEPRECIATION OF MINING EQUIPMENT OF MINING ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (20). Retrieved from http://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/14