Keywords: innovations, innovation policy, cluster, National Research Foundation of Ukraine, strategy, post-war period


The purpose of this study is to identify the main instruments of innovation policy in the post-war period for designating an investment strategy for economic recovery in terms of improving the innovation policy of Ukraine. The paper states that the innovation policy of Ukraine is the core basis of a promising economic policy and the most important tool for implementing the investment direction of the state in the post-war period. It is determined that the innovation policy of the state in the post-war period is a comprehensive implementation of the strategic priorities of innovative recovery and development of the country's economy in sectors and regions, balanced with the intellectual potential and production resources of the regions based on knowledge and innovation. The paper studies the global innovation index of Ukraine for 2019-2022, which substantiated that the innovative development of Ukraine in the post-war period contributes to boosting new and creative ideas that will be crucial for ensuring the country's economic growth, restoring infrastructure and being competitive at the global level. The paper defines the goals of the state innovation policy, the goals, directions and content of the investment strategy in the post-war period in accordance with the industry and regional profile based on experience and innovation. The role and goals of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine in accordance with the innovation policy in the post-war period and its interaction with higher educational institutions and initiative persons "with creative thinking" / innovators are determined. The paper substantiates that in the post-war period, the development of entrepreneurial activity in different regions of Ukraine will be uneven, which is associated with military operations and contributes to the creation of innovative clusters, taking into account the potential of the region, which is an integral system of enterprises and organizations for the production and consumption of a finished innovative product. which includes the entire innovation chain from the development of a fundamental scientific idea to the production and distribution of finished products, as well as a system of close ties between firms, their suppliers and customers, as well as knowledge institutions that promote innovation.


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How to Cite
Yatskevych, I. (2022). INNOVATION POLICY OF UKRAINE IN THE POSTWAR PERIOD. Economy and Society, (39).