Keywords: employment, employment factors, demand factors, supply factors, innovative employment factors


The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the current factors of change in the employment system of Ukraine. The factors of formation of affective demand and supply of labor are analyzed and systematized. The necessity of ensuring the interaction of effective supply and demand of forming effective employment is substantiated. Factors at the micro-, meso-, macro- and international levels have been studied. It is substantiated that the factor that simultaneously affects the supply and demand of labor is wages, which to some extent can ensure their coherence and play an important role in shaping effective employment. Innovative factors of effective employment have been identified and structured, which are based on the approach of society, the state and business. The necessity of formation of innovative motivational programs for employees, fair remuneration for participation in innovative projects, development of intellectual potential of the employee, substantiation of joint innovative values of the employer and the employee are established. It is established that only a factor-oriented policy of forming effective employment in the labor market can be effective. The process of forming effective employment is a multifactorial phenomenon. Common factors in the formation of effective demand in terms of innovative change are: natural, industrial, psychological, organizational, socio-economic and regulatory factors. At the macro- level, they include: the state of economic conditions in the country, the dynamics of investing in the economy, the possibility of replacing labor with capital, state policy, the state of social and labor legislation in the country. At the meso- and mіcro- levels, the factors of effective demand include: wages, labor productivity dynamics, demand for goods and services, replacement of labor by other factors of production, number of employers in the industry, age structure of the working population, expansion of production in individual enterprises or industries.


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