Keywords: strategic management, regional economy, innovation potential, human potential, organizational potential, managerial decision


The current stage of economic development of Ukraine and its regions is characterized by increased competition, due to both external challenges and internal realities, which in turn reveals the need and feasibility of strategic management, which aims to build long-term competitive advantage. The article implements the goal of substantiating a systematic approach to strategic management, which allowed to build a triad as a set of three interconnected blocks of strategic management. A systematic approach to the strategic management of the regional economy allows the scientific community to present this phenomenon as an interdependent and interacting set of elements, the action of which is aimed at achieving the goal of socio-economic development of the region. The strategic management system is presented in the form of a triad, which contains the following blocks of elements: a block of goals and strategic objectives, a block of strategic capacity and a block of management decisions. The block of goals and strategic objectives performs the following main functions: 1. Conducting strategic analysis, which serves to identify strategic potential, its explicit and latent components. 2. Description of philosophy, strategic vision of regional economy. 3. Outlining markers of achieving the goal and effectiveness of solving strategic tasks of regional development management. The block of strategic potential includes elements: human potential, the main function of which is the formation of human potential capable of working in an innovative economy, which provides a high degree of variability and constant updating of knowledge; organizational and economic potential (main function: providing economic and organizational opportunities for the realization of strategic goals and the formation of competitive advantages); block of innovation potential with a functional load of providing the region with innovative resources, technologies that change the civilizational basis of human life. The block of managerial decisions performs the functions of management, stimulation and mobilization of the regional economy to the strategic tasks.


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How to Cite
Hoblyk, V., Hudzovata, L., & Myhovych, V. (2022). TRIAD OF THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE REGIONAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (39).