Keywords: financial sector, martial law, foreign exchange market, restrictions, blank refinancing, insurance companies


The imposition of martial law in Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation was a significant shock for the whole country. Not for the first time, the question arose how to ensure the functioning of the state and the full implementation of all its tasks. Given one of the key roles of the financial sector to ensure the viability of the state, this area is perhaps the first in which changes have been made that meet the new conditions of activity. Therefore, the need to analyze the adopted changes along with the assessment of their effectiveness, as well as to identify the main prohibitions and concessions of the key regulator of the financial sector determine the high relevance of research. The scientific article defines the rules to which the financial sector has been subject since the first days of the war. These rules were determined by the relevant resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine. A list of restrictions imposed on the financial sector, in particular in the withdrawal of cash from current accounts and the suspension of the foreign exchange market. A new procedure for blank refinancing of banks has been studied. Solutions to support the liquidity of the banking system are presented. The factors that allowed the government to secure the financing of all its obligations have been identified. The International Monetary Fund's assessment of the measures taken in Ukraine to support the financial sector has been studied. The activity of the stock market within the established restrictions is analyzed. The assessment provided by the National Bank of Ukraine on the effectiveness of measures taken in the first month of martial law is determined. The dynamics of changes in funds on the accounts of individuals and legal entities is studied. Trends in changes in the volume of loans received by individuals and businesses in terms of public, private, foreign banks and PrivatBank have been identified. The limitations of the foreign exchange market, which were weakened against the background of stabilizing the situation in the financial sector, are highlighted. The impact of martial law on insurance companies and non-bank financial service providers has been studied. The measures recommended by the National Bank of Ukraine to maintain the stability of their activities have been studied.


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How to Cite
Chernyshova, O., Chornovol, A., & Myronchuk, V. (2022). FUNCTIONING OF THE FINANCIAL SECTOR OF UKRAINE UNDER CONDITIONS OF MARITIME. Economy and Society, (38).