Keywords: viral marketing, benchmarking, socially responsible marketing, market, need, consumer


The purpose of the article is to analyze current trends and problems of development of types of marketing, study the impact of factors on it, consider new approaches, tools and opportunities to solve marketing problems of the enterprise. Relevance of research. Nowadays, when most campaigns are cutting their advertising budgets, it's time for opportunities to implement really creative ideas. Right now, the marketing power of powerful and clumsy corporations can be broken through by implementing clearly targeted and non-standard advertising methods. So, now is the best time to go viral, benchmarking and socially responsible marketing. The research methods are to analyze and synthesize all aspects of specific viral marketing, benchmarking and socially responsible marketing. After all, as repeatedly mentioned in the article, each of the above methods of marketing influence has its own characteristics and nuances. Strengths and weaknesses. Aspects to look out for. The results of the study are that viral marketing, benchmarking and socially responsible marketing are some of the most effective means of disseminating information and advertising. They are based on interesting psychotechnology, the essence of which is that there are types of information that literally "force" a person to share it with others, to take an example from it. People send each other a funny video or link and it turns out that viral advertising is distributed independently, from person to person, at no additional cost to the advertiser. Almost every third person who receives an interesting message sends it to an acquaintance. Benchmarking, in turn, allows you to creatively easily take existing guidelines for their own development. Criteria for socially responsible marketing in the enterprise as a whole is determined by increasing the level of socio-economic development of the enterprise and ensuring the implementation of state social policy. The concept of social marketing is the most important, fundamentally new, creative approach to regulating social change and social processes in a democratic, market society. However, it should be noted that this effectiveness of such marketing technologies is possible only with detailed preparation and indepth analysis of the situation. Speaking about the practical value of our article, it should be noted that for the first time the combination of viral marketing, benchmarking and socially responsible marketing were used at the same time, more than 20 years ago, but their use in practice began gradually. Today, viral marketing and its means of influencing consumers are widely used in Ukraine. The same can be said about the concepts of benchmarking and socially responsible marketing. That is why the collective set of these concepts is quite relevant and important in the marketing practice of many companies to this day.


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