• Viktoriia Druzhynina Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi University
Keywords: restaurant, tourism, competitiveness, local market, expert method, coefficient of concordation


The aim of the article is to determine the significance of the competitiveness indicators of a restaurant enterprise taking into account statistical and heuristic methods. The article describes the essence, content, advantages and disadvantages of methods for determining the competitiveness of restaurants. It was confirmed that the definition of the level of competitiveness should be based on a comprehensive analysis using statistical and heuristic methods; an algorithm for determining the level of competitiveness of a restaurant business is developed, taking into account such methods. To determine the importance of the expert method in assessing the level of competitiveness, attention is focused on the sixth stage of the algorithm – calculation of the concordance coefficient. The concordance coefficient (W) can take values from 0 to 1, which shows the consistency of expert opinions when ranking certain properties. Among the many methods it is proposed to use the method of peer review. This makes it possible to use a survey of a group of experts to determine the competitive advantages of a public catering establishment. According to eight experts, which include restaurateurs, human resources specialists, marketers and regular customers, the most important features of the restaurant establishment were selected, such as price, location, cuisine, image, staff and others. Applying the method of calculating the concordance coefficient (according to calculations, the value of the coefficient of concordance is 0.61), it has been proved that the assortment of dishes, the location and the price of the average check are competitive features. The conducted research allows to draw the following conclusions: firstly, as a result of the research, the advantages and disadvantages of methods for determining the competitiveness of restaurant business enterprises are determined. The method of expert evaluation gives an objective description of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the forecasting object on the basis of processing and analysis of the set of individual opinions of experts; secondly, the thoughts of eight experts showed which criteria in the work of a restaurant-type enterprise are on average needed by the consumer. By calculating the concordance coefficient, an average consistency of expert opinions is determined. In the future, the basis for scientific research will be to determine the level and assessment of the competitiveness of the restaurant establishment.


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