Keywords: formation of the digital economy, development of the IT industry, digital technologies in the economy


The article is dedicated to exploring the factors shaping the digital economy in Ukraine. Alongside identifying these factors, the role of the IT industry and enterprises in the development of the digital economy is determined. Key directions for the development of digital technologies, the use of modern information technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, cloud technologies, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), etc., are identified for process automation and efficient management. Considering the state of war, significant barriers to the digitization of economic life in Ukraine are identified. Threats posed by digitization to economic security in Ukraine during periods of special conditions are revealed. Demand for IT specialists in enterprises of various economic activities is identified as a determining factor in the development of the digital economy. Key directions for the development of the digital economy in Ukraine are determined. Special attention is paid to exploring innovative factors influencing the development of the digital economy in connection with the war and military features of digitizing economic relations. The war in Ukraine can have a multifaceted impact on the development of the digital economy. Emphasis is placed on employment factors and demand for IT specialists across different economic activities and the size of enterprises by the number of employees. IT education plays a significant role in shaping the digital economy in Ukraine. The demand for IT specialists in enterprises of various economic activities may influence the development of the digital economy. The impact of higher education on the formation of the digital economy and the development of IT companies is investigated. IT companies play a crucial role in the development of the digital economy. Conclusions are drawn based on processed statistics regarding the importance of considering war factors in the development of digital society and the digital economy. Conclusions are made on how national security issues affect the development of the digital economy. Increased cybersecurity threats can pose significant challenges for the digital economy. Finally, the impact of the development of artificial intelligence on the digital economy is summarized, allowing for the automation of routine tasks and processes in business, thereby improving efficiency and reducing costs.


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How to Cite
Lema , H., Martseniuk, A., & Kokhanchyk, O. (2024). FACTORS OF FORMATION OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE IT INDUSTRY IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-95