Keywords: food security, globalization, availability, quality, natural resources, sustainability, prospects


The article is devoted to topical issues of research into the foundations of global food supply. Providing the population with food is the main task of any state. The struggle for food resources, their shortage, as well as their unbalanced distribution, destroyed great powers and unleashed bloody wars. History shows that the security of any state depends not only on military strength and the size of the territory, but also on providing the population with food, which strengthens their faith in their state and trust in the authorities. The stability of the domestic food market enables the state to pursue an independent domestic and foreign policy. At the most basic level, food security is defined as the ability to ensure access to sufficient food for all people. But as a global issue, food security is more complex because it involves more than just the production and distribution of food. Food security affects all parts of the world unevenly, with some regions more vulnerable than others, particularly those affected by drought and ongoing conflict. At the same time, all countries suffer, both rich and poor. Therefore, the problem of food security is global and requires joint efforts. The main factors of food insecurity are the prices of agricultural raw products and food prices. It is worth noting that in conflict-prone regions, unsafe conditions can make it difficult to safely access or deliver food to those in need. Many countries in conflict cannot produce enough food to meet domestic demand. Supplying enough food to meet demand depends on the production and import of many different types of food. Production depends on many factors, including weather, soil and land conditions, and access to fresh water. Import depends on the financial condition of the country and the specifics of international policy. To live a healthy, active life, people need a balanced diet that provides them with enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as enough vitamins and minerals. Food security is defined as a state in which people at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient and nutritious food that meets their nutritional needs for a healthy and active life.


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How to Cite
Antoshchenkova, V., & Semperovych, I. (2024). FUNDAMENTALS OF GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY. Economy and Society, (59).

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