Keywords: economy, institutions, organizations, institutes, viticulture, winemaking


The article analyzes the current state of the institutional environment of domestic viticulture and winemaking. Based on the existing concepts, the state of elements of the institutional environment of the national economy of Ukraine (at the macro level), viticulture and wine industry (at the meso level) and viticulture and winemaking enterprises (at the micro level) is analyzed. It is proved that the presence of many institutions and organizations in Ukraine at different levels has not yet led to the formation of full-fledged national institutions capable of self-regulation of certain spheres of society, in particular, economic activity. The role of institutions of different levels as prerequisites for creating a self-regulating institutional system capable of ensuring balanced and harmonious development of the state economy, creating opportunities for national economy development in accordance with global trends of digital transformation, greening, human capital development. It is substantiated that institutions do not act as imaginary categories, but as real factors that determine the development of enterprises, industries, economy and other spheres of life. It is proved that the formation of institutions and institutes contributes to the harmonization and streamlining of interests of management and teams of enterprises, individual industries and the state as a whole, provides opportunities for development of all sectors of the economy, its digital transformation, greening, increasing business ethics and social standards, leveling conflicts of interest of individual business groups and increasing partnerships, developing culture and folk traditions, forming a «knowledge economy» at all levels, strengthening elements of the national institutional system, globalization of the domestic economy, etc. It is substantiated that it is necessary to deepen theoretical research of elements of the institutional environment, analyze the state of institutions, the effectiveness of existing organizations that should implement certain complexes of institutions, staff of such organizations and take measures to create an effective national institutional mechanism.


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