Keywords: foreign economic activity, dynamics, volumes, forecast, development, structure, trade and economic cooperation, export


The aim of the article is to find methods for solving the problems of trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and France, to develop a project for the development of economic relations between these countries and to develop recommendations for improving Ukraine's foreign economic activity. The article considers the socio-economic essence of Ukraine's foreign economic activity. The state, tendencies and main goals of foreign economic policy in modern conditions are determined. The position of France as an important and reliable trade partner of Ukraine and instruments of bilateral cooperation in the economic sphere are revealed. The dynamics of bilateral trade is analyzed. A structural analysis of the balance of imports and exports with France and a dynamic analysis of trade in goods and services with the EU, taking into account the division into goods and services, which determined the progress of trade and economic cooperation. A dynamic analysis of the total trade turnover between Ukraine and France and the foreign trade balance was identified, the factors influencing the positive and negative dynamics in foreign trade were identified. The structure of commodity groups and basic services involved in foreign trade with the leading EU countries is analyzed, promising areas of trade are identified. The groups-leaders of import and export of goods from France to Ukraine for 2020 are analyzed. The influence of the COVID factor on the development and change of the volume of foreign economic activity of Ukraine is noted. The SWOT-analysis of the sphere is given in order to be able to use the results of formulating the strategy of the economic entity, the cooperation of Ukraine with France is analyzed with the help of PEST-analysis on the example of domestic exporting company to France. Ukraine's foreign economic activity with leading European countries and directions of strategies for the development of Ukraine's foreign economic activity. The extrapolation method is used to forecast the dynamics of exports and imports of goods and services between Ukraine and France at the end of 2021 and 2022.


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How to Cite
Rakhman, M., & Morieva, M. (2021). STUDY OF UKRAINE’S ECONOMIC RELATIONS WITH FRANCE. Economy and Society, (33).