Keywords: strategic management, strategy of organization, development of organization, strategic management of organization development, strategic management model, strategic changes


Any organization is an open system that is in constant interaction with various elements of the environment. The advent of Covid-19 has affected the variability and uncertainty of the organization's inner state, as well as exacerbated existing changes of external factors, namely global competition, government restrictions, economic crises, changes in consumer behavior etc. All this factors create a new economic state, which leads to the necessity to learn new ways of interaction of Ukrainian organizations with the external conditions. This, in turn, leads to the development of new organizational and economic models and mechanisms for effective work and development of the organization in order to improve its position in the future. The article considers the importance of strategic management as the basis for the functioning of organizational structures in unstable economic conditions. The aim of the article is to study the models of strategic management and to develop a modern solution. This article is also devoted to the definition of modern strategic management, which is an indispensable tool of any organization in today's turbulent environment. A modern definition of "strategic management" is formed basing on analysis of different views of foreign and domestic scholars on the concept. It is noted that in today's environment to ensure the development of the organization, strategic management should be based on ongoing strategic analysis, which determines the goals and strategic decisions, and evaluation of results, taking into account the definition of mission and strategic vision. This article contains analyses of the existing models of strategic management. It is pointed out that, despite the differences, they all have three identical stages and in each of them the authors propose the development of a new strategy of the organization. Based on the analysis of these concepts, a modern model of strategic management has been developed and substantiated, the use of which is especially relevant during the pandemic period. It does not necessarily change the strategy of the organization, i.e. not radical changes, but allows for local and partial changes that will ensure the development of the organization.


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