Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR manager, social projects, development, hotel


Today, the importance of social responsibility has developed on a large scale around the world. In scientific and business circles the issues of social responsibility of a person, society, state, enterprises are discussed. The trend towards corporate social responsibility came from the west where experience has shown the importance of developing a corporate strategy for social programs. Every year, the management of Ukrainian enterprises increasingly understands that the principles of CSR are not a luxury, but a necessity for the effective operation of business. The CSR manager should be professionally involved in the implementation and development of social programs and the formation of non-financial reports of the organization. Corporate social responsibility is the responsibility of management for their activities, which is reflected in the environment and society. Businesses cannot claim to have corporate social responsibility if their employees work in appalling conditions, as this is primarily a concern for employees. The CSR manager should prepare transparent non-financial reports on internal and external activities, which assess the organization's success in the economic, environmental and social environment, based on dialogue with stakeholders. The largest CSR departments are located in Germany and the United Kingdom, which consist of ten and sometimes more employees. In Germany and the United Kingdom, the state's attention to CSR is very high. These two countries operate within a European model where the concept of CSR is closely linked to the concept of sustainable development. In the European model of CSR, business is as open as possible to dialogue with society. In Germany, the state reduces taxes for CSR companies. In the UK, companies submit weekly non-financial reports to the Times to inform shareholders, employees, partners and society about what social programs are in place at the company. All managers work under a contract of employment, do not own capital and can not manage the company's profits. The freedom of economic choice of managers is limited not only by the terms of the employment contract, job description, legal norms and market conditions, but also by the rules of professional code of ethics. The CSR manager must be competent in his work and know: international standards for social reporting; program documents on social responsibility; legislation of Ukraine and regulations, regulating social and labor relations; conditions and features of competitive functioning of enterprises of different forms of ownership; main directions of marketing activity; state and development of the world and domestic economy; directions of innovation and investment policy; methodology of market environment analysis at the microeconomic level; interrelation of elements of internal and factors of external environment of the enterprise; environmental component of social responsibility; legislation of Ukraine on environmental protection; prospects and world trends in the development of industry technology, management psychology and conflict studies; technologies of management and general laws of interaction of business and society; the genesis of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR); the role of business ethics in the CSR system; ethical standards of international business; composition of social investments; mechanism of economic regulation of corporate social responsibility; office work. In Ukraine, CSR retraining is provided by the CSR Development Center, which helps employees develop long-term CSR strategies and teaches non-financial reporting that reflects social activities and more. The European Association of Sustainable Development Professionals, with the support of KPMG and GreenFlex, conducted a study on the profession of CSR and sustainable development managers. This profession is mostly female, and not only in Ukraine: in the world 60% of positions are held by women. In Ukraine, this figure is almost 85%. The salary of a CSR manager in Europe is 60,000 - 80,000 euros per year. The highest salaries in Canada and the United States are 90,000 euros (more in dollars). In Ukraine – 13,000 – 17,000 euros per year. Unfortunately there are more women among CSR managers, that are paid less. In the UK, for example, women are paid £ 52,000 and men are paid £ 64,000. A CSR manager in European countries is in most cases a woman aged 31-50, with experience of 2 to 10 years in this field. Most CSR and sustainable development managers are part of the departments responsible for communications, HR, quality, strategic development and internal audit. A significant number of respondents answered that the area of responsibility of the CSR manager includes: social policy, environmental strategy, as well as the preparation of reports on non-financial indicators for various stakeholders. A striking example of the implementation and development of social programs is the Hilton hotel chain. The CSR strategy and budget are determined by the CEO together with the board of directors and the corporate social responsibility department. Another striking example is the Radisson Blu Hotel hotel chain, which has a large number of long-term CSR projects and charities.


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