Keywords: quality, quality management system, tourist enterprise, competitiveness


The article reveals the meaning of the concepts "quality", "quality management", "quality management system", "quality management in tourism". It is stated that the quality management system is based on a systematic approach to management and allows to achieve continuous improvement of product quality, to ensure a high level of training of employees, to effectively use the resources available at the enterprise. The expediency of introduction of the quality management system at the enterprise, its development and constant improvement as a tool of strengthening of competitiveness, strengthening of the market power and expansion of presence in the market of branch is substantiated. In the context of Ukraine’s ongoing integration into the European Economic Area, expanding channels of cooperation with foreign markets, the introduction of a quality management system by economic entities is designed to strengthen trust in them, significantly contribute to the establishment and development of cooperation. The key standards of the ISO series for the quality management system of the organization are analyzed. It is noted that the operation of the quality management system at the enterprise, certified by the certificate of compliance with international standards of the ISO 9000 series, is understood as a guarantee of its ability to stably produce quality products and, consequently, to be competitive in the market. In addition, the functioning system TQM shows that the company focuses on continuous quality improvement, minimization of production costs, delivery on time, involvement in the activities to continuously improve the quality of all staff. The key to the effective functioning of the quality management system is the identification of numerous interconnected works (processes) by the enterprise, as well as the implementation of continuous monitoring, measurement and analysis of these processes.The importance of the use of quality management systems by tourism enterprises has been proved, especially taking into account the catastrophic losses suffered by the tourism industry from the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
Chorna, N. (2021). QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT A TOURIST ENTERPRISE: THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND FUNCTIONING. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-56