Keywords: theoretical knowledge, practical skills, competencies, specialists in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities, higher education institutions


The article highlights theoretical foundations of the competence concept, as well as the peculiarities of the professional competencies formation in the domestic higher education institutions. It is considered that high-quality training of applicants for higher education in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities" should be based on the general principles and principles of the higher education system of Ukraine, taking into account the high level of professional competencies. The main purpose of obtaining higher education by applicants in higher education institutions should be based on the general and professional competencies established by the Standards of Higher Education. Particular attention is paid to the formation of general and professional competencies of students in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities. It is noted that the formation of professional skills in future applicants is an important condition of their professional level of education and an urgent requirement in the modern labor market. The generalized interpretation of the "professional competence" concept in different scientific works differs, but also has a common basis. Thus, the vast majority of scientists lay in the concept of "professional competence" practical skills acquired by a specialist as a result of training in a particular field and specialty, as well as a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to carry out professional activities in the chosen specialty. The main types of competencies used in the educational process are given. Views on the interpretation of "professional competence" are highlighted. It was found that the professional competencies of applicants for higher education in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities should be based on the general and professional competencies established by the Standards of Higher Education. The importance of acquiring integrated competencies is substantiated. The priority tasks in the direction of improving the requirements for professional competencies in the field of domestic higher education are given.


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How to Cite
Solodky, M., & Yavorska, V. (2021). FEATURES OF TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP, TRADE AND STOCK EXCHANGE ACTIVITY. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-5