Keywords: economic security, national economy, destabilizing factors, development, provision


The article is devoted to diagnosing the level of economic security of the national economy, which is important for Ukraine, for which Russia's aggression is a factor of long-term negative impact on the state of national security. Ensuring economic security is important for Ukraine, for which Russia's hybrid aggression is a factor in the long-term negative impact on national security. This task is one of the most important national priorities, which needs increased attention from government agencies, political parties, academics and the public. Economic security guarantees the state independence of Ukraine and is a condition for its progressive economic development and increasing the welfare of citizens. The purpose of this article is to diagnose the economic security of Ukraine in terms of its constituent components, based on an analysis of major trends. To achieve the defined goal and objectives, a system of general scientific and special methods was used, namely: generalization, scientific abstraction, historical and logical to clarify the apparatus of the theory of economic security; methods of systematization, grouping for the analysis of the basic scientific approaches; methods of system analysis, economic analysis, graphical, tabular methods, economic and statistical methods provided an opportunity to assess indicators of economic security of the national economy, as well as to identify the main threats affecting the economic security of the national economy. The article systematizes the constituent elements of economic security of the national economy; the diagnosis of GDP growth rates, the level of financial opportunities of the country, the level of consumer prices (inflation), population estimates and the main destabilizing factors in reducing the economic security of the national economy. The practical value of the obtained results lies in the development of scientific and methodological proposals and practical recommendations that can be applied in the activities of legislative and executive authorities in the development of the Strategy for ensuring the economic security of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Sirenko, C., Goncharenko, O., & Lyubich, A. (2021). DIAGNOSIS OF THE LEVEL OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (26). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-26-78