Keywords: social sphere of the region, social infrastructure, territorial development, project-investment approach, social investment


The article justifies the vital role of the social sphere and the impact of social infrastructure on the sustainable development of territories. Addressing social issues for balanced and sustainable development has been the focus of Ukrainian authorities and academics for a long time. However, insufficient attention has been paid to social infrastructure; in particular, inadequate funding has resulted in its decline. Thus, the study aimed to substantiate the project and investment approach to the social infrastructure development of territories. It has been determined that the social sphere of Ukraine's regions has specific problems, first of all, regarding limited social expenditures of state and local budgets, namely, for social protection of the population. It has been shown that the lack of a strategic vision of the main priorities of territorial development and the necessary volumes of financing has led to the social infrastructure decrease. Social investments at different levels of government and from various sources have been developed in many countries. Therefore, the use of a project investment approach to social infrastructure development is appropriate. This approach has advantages in the context of financial, material, labour and other resource constraints. It has been outlined that information resources on social projects at national and regional levels are limited. More broadly, social projects are highlighted on local government websites. In particular, the advantages of social projects implemented in Donetsk oblast have been discussed. Furthermore, grant programmes from international organizations are essential in social infrastructure development. A good example can be establishing the Youth Centre «Creative Space 380 volts» in the Kurakhovo community. The centre aims to support the overall development of young people, children, families, people with disabilities, and internally displaced persons through non-formal education. Currently, the Youth Centre activities contribute to supporting the social initiatives of the local population, forming active citizenship among young people, which will create a basis for solving social issues.


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How to Cite
Tokareva, V., Tanchyk, O., & Lafazan, I. (2021). THE PROJECT AND INVESTMENT APPROACH TO THE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (26).