Keywords: logistics, armed forces of Ukraine, problems, PEST-analysis, management


Ensuring the national security of Ukraine is one of the most important functions of the government. At the same time, the logistics system plays the key role in maintaining the army's defense capabilities. The main aim of the article is to determine the factors that have a destructive impact on the quality of management of the logistics system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Research methods are: method of historical and logical analysis, graphical method, literature review method and the method of PEST-analysis. By systematizing scientific research and using the method of strategic management (PEST-analysis), the authors identified the dominant external factors in the context of political (P), economic (E), social (S) and technological (T) components, which have a negative impact on the efficiency of management of the logistics system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among the biggest obstacles in the political sphere were highlighted the inefficient regulatory work of government and high levels of corruption. Ukraine's position in the world rankings of Corruption Perceptions Index and The Worldwide Governance Indicators was also considered. In the economic sphere were outlined the low economic growth in the country, the poor level of funding of defense needs, inefficient use of production capacity for the production of weapons, military and special equipment and property and others. The authors analyzed the dynamics of expenditures on defense of Ukraine and financing of logistics activities in 2015-2020. In the social sphere the main problems were lack of highly qualified specialists and human resources. The drawbacks in the technological sphere were also highlighted, among which are: the low level of innovative development in logistics, lack of necessary infrastructure and accumulation of obsolete military equipment, explosives and weapons. Based on the research results a number of measures have been proposed to solve these issues. The obtained results have important theoretical and practical significance for improving the efficiency of the management of logistics system of the national armed forces.


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