Keywords: Production stocks, martial law, conservation of production stocks, methods of accounting for production stocks, revaluation of production stocks, control of production stocks


In the context of military conflicts, normal accounting procedures and methods may be inadequate or inappropriate. War poses a variety of challenges, such as the destruction of infrastructure, disruptions in the normal business cycle, loss of assets, and the need to change budgetary priorities. Martial law not only makes adjustments to the usual way of doing business, but also requires significant efforts to adapt to new economic and logistical realities. In this context, it is necessary to pay special attention to accounting (accounting - here and hereafter we mean accounting) - a key element that ensures the stability and efficiency of the economic activity of any enterprise. Martial law carries significant risks for the physical preservation of production stocks. Direct damage as a result of hostilities, the risks of their loss or theft in conditions of chaos and uncertainty - all this requires a review of approaches to ensuring the preservation of production stocks. In addition, the war causes significant fluctuations in exchange rates and inflation, which directly affects the cost of production stocks. Therefore, businesses must take these changes into account in order to accurately reflect the value of inventories in financial statements and management accounting. At the same time, martial law is often accompanied by changes in tax and accounting legislation aimed at supporting business and the economy as a whole. Ukrainian companies experiencing martial law can adopt these lessons by applying the world's best practices in their operations. Taking into account these strategies and adapting them to the conditions of Ukraine can significantly help the business not only to survive in difficult times, but also to strengthen its position in the market. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of accounting for production stocks under martial law, taking into account the experience of other countries that faced similar challenges, to identify strategies and methods that can be applied in Ukrainian realities to ensure effective management of production stocks during wartime, as well as to minimize the impact negative factors on the production process.


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How to Cite
Kozak, V., & Oliinyk, M. (2023). FEATURES OF PRODUCTION STOCK ACCOUNTING UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE: LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-129