Keywords: IT project, risks, risk management, project management, piece intelligence, methodology, framework


The project approach has become particularly widespread in the field of software development. However, as research has shown, the problem of management efficiency in software development processes is becoming more complex due to the increasing variety and complexity of software products being developed. Many companies actively use various project management methodologies to solve these problems. Recently, flexible project management methodologies have become particularly widespread as a way to effectively organize project activities in conditions of uncertainty and constantly changing requirements from the customer. A detailed study of the use of flexible methodologies is a priority area of activity for organizations in the field of IT projects, which determines the relevance of this graduate work. Flexible approaches to management have become more often used not only because they improve the efficiency of projects, but the period of mass transfer of employees to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has also become the driving force for the company. The theoretical foundations of project activities were studied, the characteristics and features of IT projects were described. Today, many IT projects still implement the Waterfall methodology, which is detrimental to both customers and users, and the developers themselves. Therefore, it becomes relevant to choose a methodology in project management that would provide solutions to problems. Due to the continuous development of information technology there is a constant creation and implementation of IT projects both in large companies and medium and small businesses. At the same time, the company may implement several projects simultaneously. This is due to the fact that each activity to introduce new components of information production system creates conditions for the implementation of a certain IT project. The article emphasizes that the success of IT projects largely depends on interaction between customers and performers, the experience of the team, which is engaged in the development, implementation and verification of project readiness, management methodology and a number of other factors.


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How to Cite
Khrapkin, O., Kindrat, O., & Chopey, R. (2023). PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE IT INDUSTRY: METHODS, TOOLS AND RISK MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (55).